Conclusion - Employee Engagement

According to the CIPD (2012: 13) employee engagement has become for practitioners of an umbrella concept for capturing the various means by which employers can produce additional or unrestricted effort from employees and willingness on the part of staff to work beyond contract. One of the attractions of participation is a clearly good thing. Managers like this concept because they like the idea of hiring employees rather than the prospect of leaving disengaged workers Guest, (2013).

Keenoy, (2013) stated that the standard of employee engagement is "Mother and Apple Pie", and it is recommended to replace the term "engagement" with work commitment, authorization, high-performance management or "any other feasible solution" to solve the problem of improving employee productivity. According to (McGregor's,1960) theory "Y"-people are creative people who will not only accept but also seek responsibility under appropriate conditions. Ex: “Great Places to Work” are full of companies that operate using a Theory Y management style. Starbucks, J. M. Smucker, SAS Institute, Whole Foods Market, and Wegmans are all examples of companies that encourage and support their workers ( However John, (2013) argued that the employee dedication is worth pursuing, which is not an end in itself, but its means to improve work life and company performance.

Benefits of employee engagement:  

According to (Alfes et al, 2010: 2) Emphasize that dedicated employees perform better, more innovative than other employees, and like to  live with employers,  Ex: The happier employee are the brand ambassadors at an orgainsation, these employees will discuss the workplace outs ide of an office (

Employee Engagement and Motivation

Armstrong (2014) stated that managing people is how to get the best out of them. can be high performance or unrestricted behavior (people make extra efforts at work, practical, innovative and productive behavior choices), Managers and leaders primarily responsibility is to get the best out of employees.

Employee Engagement and Commitment

Commitment is employee attachment and loyalty to an organisation, it is related with the individuals feels towards an organization (Mowday et al ,1982). Human Resource department should play a major role in developing high commitment to an organization and should pay more attention on job design, learning and development, career planning, performance management, reward management, participation, communication and employee well-being.

Leadership and employee engagement

Armstrong, (2014) The success if not the endurance of any business depends on the performance of managers. Management development depends more on ensuring that managers have the correct sequence of experience, and self-directed learning and management technology courses can be enhanced. Trainers and mentors can provide further guidance.

Reward Management

The reward system consists of interrelated processes and practices of financial and non-financial rewards, which are combined into a total reward method to ensure that reward management is performed to benefit the organization and the people working for the organisation (Armstrong, 2014).

Writers point of view

Employee engagement has attracted great interest from employers in many fields. employers want to find ways to increase employee motivation and earn more commitment to work and organization. In some ways, it is "new" because the environment for seeking participation is different. One aspect of this difference is that, in view of the international competition and the increase in efficiency standards, if workers ’participation is lower than the  competitors’ employees, should be punished more severely. The second aspect is the overall nature of work meaning and the basic rules of the employment relationship have changed, and there is an open space related to the characteristics of the relationship between work and organization. Employers believe that more complicated methods can be used to fill this.

Employee engagement has involved interest from employers in many fields. In some ways, this is a very old desire, employers want to find ways to increase employee motivation and earn more commitment to work for the organization. sometimes, it is "new" because the environment for seeking participation is different. the overall nature of work meaning, and the basic rules of the employment relationship have changed, and there is an open space related to the characteristics of the relationship between work and organization.

List of references

Alfes, K, Truss, C, Soane, E C, Rees, C and Gatenby, M (2010) Creating an Engaged Workforce, London, CIPD

Armstrong, M., 2014. Armstrong's Handbook Of Human Resource Management Practice, 13Th Edition. Kogan..

Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (2012) Where has all the trust gone? London, CIPD

Guest, D E (2013) Employee engagement: fashionable fad or long-term fixture? in (eds) C Truss,  R
Deldridge, K Afles, A Shantz and E Soane, Employee Engagement in Theory and Practice, London, Routledge

Keenoy, T (2013) Engagement: A murmeration of objects? in (eds) C Truss, R Deldridge, K Alfes,  A Shantz and E Soane, Employee Engagement in Theory and Practice, London, Routledge,

McGregor, D (1960) The Human Side of Enterprise, New York, McGraw-Hill
Mcgregor’S Theories X And Y. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 11 May 2020].

Mowday R (1998) Reflections on the study and relevance of organizational commitment. Human Resource Management Review

Purcell, J (2013) Employee voice and engagement,  in (eds) C Truss, R Deldridge, K Alfes, A Shantz and E Soane, Employee Engagement in Theory and Practice, London, Routledge


  1. Agreed with above views. Organizations attract employees who are willing to be engaged, which leads to an increase in employee engagement that results in high profitability. Therefore, the organization is less effective when employees are not motivated to do their jobs, as this directly affects job performance. Leaders who implement employee engagement strategies noted (a) higher levels of employee engagement (Blattner & Walter, 2015); (b) improved customer satisfaction, productivity, and profit (Bowen, 2016); and, (c) lower levels of employee accidents and turnovers (Barrick et al., 2014)

  2. According to Armstrong, (2007) The leadership strategy should concentrate on what line managers have to do if they are going to exercise leadership in order to play their vital and immediate part in increasing levels of engagement


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